Gippsland Kirtan

"Forget the words, they are simply the couriers of vibration. Close your eyes. Stay with the breath. What stirs in your heart? Where do you feel the sound in your body? What opens up in you; What memories, what feelings, what thoughts? Witness them … Let them go. Find the stillness beyond the sound. Here you will find the essence of kirtan, the essence of us all". Bonny Howarth


Kirtan is the main expression of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of love/devotion, whereby singing spiritually uplifting songs honours the universe and connect us with each other and all things.

For centuries, communities have been singing to communicate, express joy and feel connection.

Rather than being a type of performance, Kirtan is often a 'call and response' form of meditation. By singing mantras (sacred sounds or vibrations) we reach a state far beyond the stress and worries of life.


Kirtan needs to be felt not telt. 

Gatherings are usually held 4 times per year on Saturday afternoon/evening March to November.

For more information and tickets please visit our online shop. 

We would greatly appreciate your support and connection at our gatherings; all ages and beliefs are welcome!

A small amount is charged to cover costs.


If you're organising a yoga retreat, festival or community event and would like to include kirtan, please email us on 


Gippsland Kirtan is a non denominational, not for profit, group of people of all ages, who love yoga in all its forms.  We are 4 volunteers who arrange community events and host gatherings simply because we like doing it. 

We practice most Friday nights from 7.30 to 9.30pm near Sale Victoria. Core group members need to commit to regular practice sessions and have attended at least one kirtan gathering before being invited to join. 

If you sing, play an instrument and like facilitating community events, please email us at

If you’d like to know more, please attend a gathering or contact us on the details below. 

Nukumbalook Education Centre

Sale Botanical Gardens, Guthridge Parade, Sale, Victoria 3850

Saturday 1st April 2023 6.45pm

Saturday 13th May 2023 3.45pm

Saturday 2nd September 2023 3.45pm

Saturday 11th November 2023 6.45pm